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smart360 User Guide
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Smart360 User Guide

                          Version 2024-06

This user guide helps getting started and working with smart360 – a smart and powerful Enterprise Architecture Management tool, provided by smart 360°.

Either as a newcomer or frequent user, we hope that this manual helps you in getting more out of smart360.

With smart360 you can document and analyze your organization’s Enterprise Architecture, including the Application Portfolio, Technology Portfolio & Standards, Business Architecture and the strategic Project Portfolio.

Contact your smart data experts for more help and support:


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Wilmington, DE 19804, USA

Phone +1 (617) 657-4360 

@smart360biz, +SMART360Biz

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© Copyright by smart360° - Delaware Corp – United States of America - 2016 - 2024


Table of Contents

Table of Contents        2

smart360 - Data Collaboration platform        6

Key features        6

Overview smart360        8

Available Best-Practice Metamodels        8

EAM        8

EAMSample        8

IT4IT        8

TOGAF        8

LeanISMS        8

World        8

ITHelpDesk        9

APPRAT        9


STIX™        9

smart360’s EAM Best-Practice Metamodel        9

Definition of EAM Elements/Structured Types        10

Repositories Overview        12

Working with your data - Overview        17

Element list – search & column filter        17

Percentage of Column Completeness        20

SystemId        20

Logical Filter - Query        21

Enabled Easier Filtering        23

Column Sort        24

Colour Filter        24

More Option        25

Column Action Dropdown        26

Show matching / Filter out context menus        28

Single element details        29

History        29

Export History        31

Repository Merge        31

Bulk updates        32

General Features        34

Global search        34

Languages        34

General Information        35

Getting Started Page        35

User profile        36

Bulk Unsubscribe        36

Custom Menu        37

Settings - Manage Repository        37

Manage MetaModal Page        38

Manage Elements        39

Each Element page        39

Sync an Element with External Source        41

Manage Relationships        41

Manage Enumerations        42

Merge From Template        42

Elements [Show data structure]        43

Visualization Overview        43

Overview – Visualize your data        44

Landscape        44

Nesting        46

Graph        47

Gantt/Masterplan        48

Gantt Graph 2        49

Scatterplot        50

Bubble Chart        50

Bar Chart        52

Pie Chart        53

Correlation        56

Hierarchy        57

Org Chart        58

Apply filter and styling        58

General configuration        59

Filter        60

Layouting & Styling        60

Labeling        61

Extras        62

Advance Relationship        62

Save Configuration, download and reset        63

smartEA Visualizations (Deprecated)        65

Spreadsheet Reports        68

Custom Dashboards        68

Import and Export (Excel)        68

Excel Export        68

Element Export        69

Saved Report Export        69

Excel Import        70

Partial true - Additive import strategy:        70

Partial false - Overwrite import strategy:        70

Import Workflow        70

Merge Repo        71

REST API        71

List of elements by type (table)        72

Single elements by ID        74

List of Repositories        76

List of Repositories        76

Reports/Viewpoints Resource        77

Update Calculation        78

Errors Resource        78

Swagger-UI Integration with Smart360        79

Governance        80

User Management        80

Modeling Language Permissions        80

Global Permission settings        81

Building Block Specific Permissions        81

Repository Permissions        82

Configuration        83

Manage Data Structure of a repository        88

Elements - Structured Types        89

Creating attributes within attribute groups        93

Customize Relationships        95

Customize Lookup tables (Enumerations)        97

HTML5 Color Picker        99

smart360 - Data Collaboration platform

Back to Table of Contents

smart360 is a data collaboration platform that is widely used as an Enterprise Architecture Tool – a great web-application for Enterprise Architecture (EA) and IT Management.

It’s EAM template (Metamodel and visualizations) is a well proven best-practice EAM methodology coupled with experience distilled from many organizations in different stages. smart360 offers many unique features targeted for Enterprise Architects and other stakeholders.

This is the main part of the start screen that you will see after you logged in successfully.

The list of elements may vary, due to your specific configuration of the metamodel.

Here we can provide ‘Show data structure ’ link for the graphical representation of repository and can view how all the elements are linked with each other

Key features

Flexible Metamodel
Configure your repository to your needs, following a standard like Archimate or tailored to your organization. Create new elements, relationships, properties, etc. all through the Web UI - no need for special configuration tools or training.

Multiple Repositories
You can easily clone or create a new repository - for modeling of blueprints, future state architectures, a development environment for adjusted metamodel, etc.

Again all easily managed through the web browser.

Mobile EA
Use any mobile device to access your EA repository and reports. Pull up data and reports in meetings or while on the go.

Flexible and powerful reporting
Many different visualization types (Landscape, Nesting, Portfolio, Dendrogram, Correlation and others). All visualizations are customizable with web-based access.

Connect to your LDAP and other IT Management solutions, collaborate on your organization’s future state.

Intuitive 100% web
No client installation. No ivory tower. Easy SaaS. Collaboration and rapid rollout built-in.

Overview smart360

Available Best-Practice Metamodels

To facilitate a quick start, you can choose between different pre-configured metamodels (besides the empty one where you can define all from scratch).

An overview of the templates can be found in our template overview: 


This is smart360’s EAM Best-Practice Metamodel. It includes elements such as Application, Business Process, Business Unit, Technology Components, Infrastructure Elements and Projects among others. This is the default metamodel used in most of this UserGuide and described in more details below - smart360’s EAM Best-Practice Metamodel


This is smart360’s EAM Best-Practice Metamodel with sample data. It includes elements such as Application, Business Process, Business Unit, Technology Components, Infrastructure Elements and Projects among others. This is the default metamodel used in most of this UserGuide and described in more details below - smart360’s EAM Best-Practice Metamodel


This metamodel should give you a head start if you are looking into running IT as a business with a value chain-based approach. Jumpstart your initiative to run IT as a business.


This metamodel can be used as a starter for TOGAF or Archimate focused initiatives. Align the metamodel depending on your architecture framework.


This is Lean42’s ISMS Best-Practice Metamodel. This metamodel can be used as a starter for LeanISMS initiatives. We can help you run through that process and align the metamodel depending on your framework.


This metamodel helps you to know UN world data with all countries, populations, and capitals which gives you an option to include this in your data projects.


This ITHelpDesk metamodel helps to track the status of tickets and requests within an IT Department. It includes a Ticketing system and support system.


APPRAT stands for Application Rationalization. This metamodel helps to save costs.


This metamodel lets you use smart360 as a lightweight project management tool so there is no more sending around an Excel list of issues and open items, just point them to a filtered list view in smart360. It is a quick and easy project issue list.


Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX™) is a language and serialization format used to exchange cyber threat intelligence (CTI)

This metamodel helps to track attack patterns, vulnerabilities, threats, and the course of actions against them. For more detailed information about STIX™ see: Introduction to STIX 2 

smart360’s EAM Best-Practice Metamodel

To facilitate a quick start, smart360 provides a best-practice based metamodel:

Macintosh HD:Users:kvoges:Desktop:Screen Shot 2016-03-05 at 5.12.11 PM.png

This out-of-the-box metamodel helps you to get started. You do not need to define anything, but you can start inserting any of these elements and their relationships from the get go.

The metamodel can be customized (see Administration section below or ask your smart360 experts for support on this customization)

Definition of EAM Elements/Structured Types

The out of the box elements of smart360 EAM Metamodel are defined as:


Strategies are functional groupings, which structure the business landscape. The business landscape describes the main functional units of the company, driving the business. The main elements of the business landscape are business processes, capabilities, products, business units, and business data.

Business Process

A business process is a sequence of logical coherent activities, contributing to the added value chain of the company, having a defined start and end, generally repeatable, and normally customer-oriented.


A capability is a self-contained and coherent business activity, e.g. create a customer or change product configuration.


A product is a result of the manufacturing/service process of a company, e.g. goods like a car or a computer.

Business Unit        

An organizational structure is a way the company is structured. Business Units are structural units related to the organization of the company, e.g. departments but also sites or factories.

Business Object

A business object is an aligned business term for abstract or concrete objects which are business relevant, i.e. have a strong relation to the company’s business. Business objects are used by business processes and can be realized by information objects. Examples of business objects are 'Customer', 'Product' or 'Contract'.

Application Domain

An Application domain groups different applications by one or more criteria. Application domains are often used on one hand to arrange the application landscape and on the other hand to allocate responsibilities for the landscape management.


An application is a piece of software or a software package for related capabilities with clear logical and technical boundaries and which is supported completely or chiefly by IT.


An interface, where appropriately directed, defines a dependency between two applications. It is separable into two areas, information, and control flow. In the context of IT, landscape management the term 'interface' is used in the sense of 'information flow' between applications.


The standard is used to structure the technical blueprints, the standard catalog for technical components. Standardization is part of IT architecture management.

Technical Component

The technical components used for the realization of applications or interfaces,  e.g. the Middleware or Database software. This is a catalogue of standardized technical components, also called technical blueprints. During the documentation of the as-is situation, non-standard compliant technical components could also be captured.

Infrastructure Element

The Infrastructure Elements consist of logical hardware and network units, which are used to operate the applications. The infrastructure elements are generally either captured on a coarse grain logical level or imported from a CMDB. The CMDB provides all current saved data concerning configuration items of the IT infrastructure (applications, clients, network, server, storage) and their relationships with each other as well as the base data to support the Service Management processes.


A project or program is generally characterized by the singleness of its conditions (as a whole), e.g. goals, time, financial, resource, and other constraints, differentiations from other projects, and project-specific organizations.

All of these element names and definitions can be tailored to your needs. They are provided to facilitate a quick start and help start the conversation about what to document in your Enterprise Architecture.

Repositories Overview

When accessing smart360 for the first time, the Repository overview page is shown. Each smart360 repository consists of its own user-defined metamodel and underlying data.

Within the Repository Overview Page, a new repository can be set up in two ways:

sample URL:

Modify Repository Descriptor

This button will open a menu, where the repository key, repository icon, visibility, license, name, and description can be changed.

Edit Permissions

Here, one is forwarded to the Edit Permission Page. User-specific permissions and roles concerning the access of functionalities within the repository can be managed here.

Set Default Repo (User Specific)

This icon sets the corresponding repository as the user default repo. Next time the user logs into the system, she or he is automatically directed to this repository.         


Clone Repository

This button clones the existing repository and template. Clone page will be subsequently invoked for specifying the cloned repository’s unique Key and name. It also provides the option of components to clone.

Delete Repository

Clicking this button will delete the corresponding repository.

Search Repository Content


Then an alphanumeric repository Unique key has to be defined (max. 10 in capital characters) and the unique repository’s name, visibility, license, and set icon.

From within a repository, the overview page can be accessed anytime via the globe icon on the top left corner.

This gets you back to the overview of all repositories that you have access to.

Import Repository

On the overview page the Import repository button is available which redirects you to the Import repository page from there an individual can import the repository through excel and a zip file which can be downloaded through REST API. While importing with a zip file it displays the message whether to overwrite the repository or not and its functionality works according to Repository manager permission.

Working with your data - Overview

Under “Data” you will find all the necessary activities to view and edit the data in the Repository. It provides list views, single element views (details) as well as history and saved perspectives on your data.

You can create, read, update and delete elements here if the logged-in user has the permissions to do so.

See a list of all the element types in the EA repository, with their icon to find things faster. Quick links to saved element reports as well as to opened elements can be found by hovering them according to menu entries. The corresponding entries on the first menu level can also be clicked in order to get to a more detailed list view.

Element list – search & column filter

Each element overview provides you with a quick overview of the elements, plus easy navigation to customize your view and drill through to what you want to see.

You can create new entries, sort based on any column, filter, customize the columns you want to see (including all properties/attributes and relationships),show-In data in a graph, subscribe, view history, save the customized view as a shortcut, or download it as Excel:

For each row you have the options:

Navigate to details, peek into the details (but stay in list view) or delete the row.

Hidden Columns

To Change position of column use Drag and Drop feature of Hidden Column dropdown and click on Apply button to see changes. Use a toggle button to display and hide columns. Display all columns in tabular view by clicking on Show All button. Hide all columns by clicking on the Hide All button.

Create Button

Use create option to create column and add new value in table

Select all

You can select all the items displayed on the current page or select/deselect multiple items to perform common actions on top of them.

The building block will be selected for further actions. If required, all of the building blocks displayed on the current page can be selected by selecting the checkbox available in the header of the tabular view.

After selection of required items you can perform available action by clicking on “Actions” button as shown below:

Percentage of Column Completeness

It shows the percentage of the data filled in every column of every row based on the configuration in Notation Editor (available in metamodel)


  • SystemID Represents the unique identifier assigned to each element data. System id is available in the “system” tab of a singular tabular view.
  • All the items can be sorted based on systemId in a multi-tabular view.
  • System ID is generated whenever a new item is created and is attached through the full lifetime of every element. It is autogenerated and it cannot be edited or changed.

Logical Filter - Query

Clicking the filter icon within the top bar will open the filter menu that allows you to query your data.

Here,  a logical filter can be defined. Elements can be filtered by specifying conditions for one or many properties.  Those conditions can be logically combined and every condition level can also be negated.

The filter’s name can be specified by changing the “Name”-field in the top left corner.

A click on the “Add And”-Button will add a logical And-conjunction. Likewise, clicking on the “Add Or”-button will result in a logical Or-operation with a new condition.

The green filter button on each level can be pressed to negate the statement of the corresponding level  indicated by a changing button state. A second click withdraws the negation again.

The existing logical conjunction can be switched by clicking the joining node element. In the example below, click the “And”-button between the two conditions would result in a logical Or-operation.

Any condition/statement can be deleted by pressing the “Delete”-button on the right.

The filter will be applied by clicking the “OK”-button in the bottom right corner.

The color of enumerations that is shown in the list view and Single element view can be customized, see Customize Enumerations.

For querying all elements that do not have a specific relationship, please use something similar to this:

The no value option on the identity is the same as no relationship.

Enabled Easier Filtering

  1. Now filter the Smart360 Data i.e Name, Accountability, etc easily and more accurately.  It will be easier to filter the data according to what is shown in the drop-down menu. All the values will be available in just one click.
  2. Now, also select the required EMAIL from all the clients’ Emails and apply the filter according to that.
  3. Similarly,  select the Boolean Data type from the drop-down menu ie. true and false value.

  1. For re-selecting, a new value first clears the last selected value on clicking the  button.

     5.  After clearing, we can re-select the value.

Column Sort

Clicking the sort icon within the top bar will open the sort menu that allows you to sort the selected column.

Here,a sort can be defined.

  1. Select the column
  2. Click on ascending or descending button
  3. Click on apply

Colour Filter

Clicking the Colour icon within the top bar will open the color menu that allows you to

query your data.

Here,  a logical color filter can be defined. Elements can be filtered by specifying conditions for a property.  Those conditions can be logically combined and every condition level can also be negated.

The color filter’s name can be specified by changing the “Name”-field in the top left corner

If the filter conditions are true, false and no value it shows with a specific color which gives a quick glance of data.

It also provides the option to change font family and font size.

The filter will be applied by clicking the “Apply”-button

More Option

Clicking on the More options button shows the options like;

  1. Save Report
  2. Subscribe
  3. Audit History
  4. Download Excel
  5. Download Extended Excel
  6. Download Json
  7. Download Csv
  8. Get URL For API access

Download Excel, Extended Excel, Json, Csv Provides options to download data to respective forms.

Column Action Dropdown


Column action dropdown offers sort, filter, hide and edit column which helps to perform quick data actions.


Sort A-Z  - This is a column-specific ascending order. Which helps to sort the particular column in ascending order.

Sort Z-A - This is a column-specific descending order.Which helps to sort the particular column in descending order.

Column-Header Specific Filter - This is a quick way to filter, which pop ups the existing filter panel

Hide Column - This helps to hide the specific column.

Edit Column -  This helps to edit a specific column. Edit column works for both bulk                              elements or for single too  

Show matching / Filter out context menus

We can now do a quick filter of a tabular view using “Show matching/ Filter out” context menus.

For ex:

When we want to quickly check all the applications where accountability lies with “max”, then we can right click and select “Show Matching”. Smart360 will filter all the records where accountability is equal to “max”.

In an opposite example, where we want to see all elements which do not belong to “max”, then in this case we can use the “Filter Out” context menu and filter the list.

The Show Matching / Filter Out context menu also works in a singular tabular view of a single element. After the filter is applied inside a singular tabular view, the filter can be modified or deleted by enabling the side panel as shown below:

Single element details

Each element can have its attributes/properties and relationships group.

You can customize the following in this view:

  1. Attributes (create new ones, change names, add description/support text)
  2. Feature Groups - a grouping of attributes and relationships - like “default” in the above screenshot - you can define which attributes show up in which featu
  3. Ordering on screen, via:
  1. Ordering of Feature Groups
  2. Ordering of attributes within the feature group

See MetaModel edit guide for how to.


The history shows all transaction based changes which have been made within the system. Those changes can be filtered by elements or types a change has been made to, a specific user, who made the change, or by a time span. Furthermore, there is also a free text filter.

Clicking on the “Apply Filters” button (magnifying glass) will apply all specified filters. The “Reset Filters” Button on the right, will then revert all applied filters and set the view back.

Applied filters are indicated by tags above the changeset results. A click on the x-Button will remove the corresponding filter.  

There is also a heatmap consisting of a calendar displaying fields of days with changes. The intensity of the color within a day indicates how many changes have been carried out. On the heatmap a span of days can be selected. Clicking the button “Select Period” will then apply a filter with the specified dates.

Any changeset can be clicked in order to swing out all affected elements. Those can be clicked as well to see and track changes of relationships and attributes for this element. It can be seen who changed which value (old value and new value).

Export History

Now we can export the full history of a repository in an excel file. This feature can be very useful in backtracking changes. To export full history navigate to the history page of a repository and click export. Then download the generated excel file from the modal that pops up. Please make sure that there is no selection made on the history page to export full history.

Note: It might take a bit of time to generate and download full history for a repository having a large number of history.

Repository Merge

Using the repository merge feature it is very easy to apply changes from one repository to another. This feature is very helpful if you deal with a lot of repositories and you try to sync changes between many repositories.

Steps to perform a repository merge:

  1. You need to first select all the changes that you want to export from the history page of SOURCE repository.

  2. After making the selection click on “export” button available at top right corner (above history changes) of the history page

  3. Download the “Selected History” excel file from the modal that pops up

  4. Navigate to “Export/Import” page of the TARGET repository

  5. Finally upload and save the exported history into the “Merge Repo” upload section of TARGET repository.
    Please DO NOT upload the exported history into the IMPORT section or it might overwrite content.

Bulk updates

With the bulk update, it is possible to update elements of the same type at once and set an attribute or relationship for many elements. An example use case is to fill in the IT Owner of an application across many applications.

Hit the Edit Column on the list view, which will result in edit capabilities for each cell of this column:

Now you can edit, hit the checkmark for the column, then the save button on top.

If you want to discard your changes, either hit column X, or the Reload button on top.

For changing values for all of the cells of that page, please use the up arrow to go into mass update mode:

The first selection will replace the selected value with whatever is in the cell, the second will delete the value you have selected from each cell, and the third option will add the value to each cell. The default is to operate in bulk on the page you are viewing, e.g. for 50 elements at once.

General Features

Global search

smart360 indexes all of your data with a world class search engine. All of your EA data is indexed, including names, descriptions and attribute values.

The result shows how many elements per type matched your search:

The global search is also in the Data menu available.


You can use smart360 in different languages besides English (which is the default). Please be aware that your browsers default language is used to map to one of the available languages:

If you have improvements for one of the languages, please contact us.

General Information

Here you can access the UserGuide/Manual, an overview of the metamodel and the definitions for the elements.

Getting Started Page

Getting started page makes the product convenient to perform overall activity just by watching video

  1. Product introduction video makes Smart360 easy to use
  2. Getting Started Page is available in general information dropdown
  3. Your setup section gives idea to kick-start Smart360
  4. Enhancement and query are always welcomed by submitting your feedback

User profile

Use the User profile to update your email address for notifications or to get to know your roles.

With a clear session all your current configurations (e.g. visualizations, unsaved elements, last opened elements, etc.) gets reset. So if you encounter an error message or feel stuck mid way in a report configuration and you want a fresh start, you do not need to log out, but just clear your session.

Logout is also available here – please logout to ensure most secure access to the tool.

Bulk Unsubscribe

Bulk unsubscribe feature available via the user profile page. Bulk unsubscription can be performed at the following levels:

  1. The full repository can be unsubscribed
  2. All features can be unsubscribed
  3. All or few elements can be unsubscribed

To unsubscribe, go to the UserProfile page and expand the corresponding subscription.

Click on button to unsubscribe. Please refer below screenshot for more details:



Custom Menu

Here you can see the smart360 Data licenses. We tried to provide links to the best of our knowledge for licenses where possible.

Settings - Manage Repository

        Use the Manage Repository to update or edit the repository configurations.

Manage MetaModal Page

This page shows how repositories manage using element, relationship and enumeration. you can merge the repository in the given template.

Manage Elements

Below fig.shows Create element type with singular name ,plural name and description.

All the created element types are listed below with functionality of drag and drop.After clicking on created element it redirects to a particular element page with all details and edit element options.

 Each Element page

Manage elements have a separate page for each element type which provides inline edit of singular ,plural name,description and clicking on icon shows modal to change icon. Edit notations are available on page. It also allows defining column identity and default visible column for tabular view. Feature group priority is set by drag and drop.

Additional Property Type conversion

In property actions, you can now convert string/text to many other data types,

    1. Integer can be converted to Phonenumber, Numeric and Boolean data type

    2. Numeric can be converted to Geolocation and Percent data type

    3. String can be converted to any datatype plus enumeration too.


Sync an Element with External Source

Sync allows loading of external datasets in Smart360. These are the external sources which support sync.

  1. Smart360 Element
  2. Google Spreadsheet
  3. Json
  4. Excel
  5. CSV

Sync Workflow:

1.Enter the source URL

2.After that it provides three options Update, Add, Delete

   Update:Provides the functionality to update data from external sources into Smart360.

   Add: Provides the functionality to add columns with data into Smart360.

   Delete: Provides the functionality to delete columns with data into Smart360.

3.Scheduling provides the option to update synced data daily, monthly and weekly

Manage Relationships

Below fig.shows Create relationships from where relationships create between elements.

Manage Enumerations

Below fig.shows create enumeration in which literals are created for specific data.

Merge From Template

Below fig. shows the how and which repository template and repository  you want to select for merging in the existing repository. It also provides options to choose which repository component to merge.

After the merge feedback table is added which includes element types,elements,tabular reports,graphical reports and subscription from the feedback table user can choose whether to proceed with merge or to cancel the merge.


Elements [Show data structure]

Use the “Show data structure” link to see the Meta Model graph of the repository’s elements in a new page..

Visualization Overview

smart360 offers many visualizations that are tailored for analyzing your repository and provide quick and deep insights into how your data is interconnected.

Visualize the data, by either using a saved diagram or by creating a new report.

There are many different visualizations available as well as spreadsheet reports or tabular views.

The central drivers for Enterprise Architecture Management are the goals and areas of concern of your stakeholders. Valuable tools for answering stakeholder questions are visualizations and reports.

Visualizations allow you to see different information combined in one view, often much quicker to understand than text and easier to remember. Ordering of elements, coloring, size, forms etc help with a fast analysis and understanding. The brain just loves them!

For the domain of Enterprise Architecture, each visualization presents a specific view of the overall architecture and is based on stakeholder perspectives. These views reveal where interdependencies exist and highlight the impact of changes. The most common visualizations in Enterprise Architecture are:

  1. Relationship Visualizations, e.g.
  1. Clusters
  2. Maps
  3. Landscapes
  4. Graphs
  1. Time-based Visualizations, e.g.
  1. Line-Charts, Plots
  2. Roadmaps (sometimes called Gantt Charts, Timeline, Life-Cycle or Masterplan)
  1. Number Charts
  1. Pie-Charts
  2. Bar-Charts
  3. Portfolio Charts
  1. Semi or unstructured drawings (Trees, Bridges, …)

smart360 offers most of these visualizations – which are often configured according to stakeholder-specific requirements.

Overview – Visualize your data


Use the flexible and powerful reporting of smart360 (your Enterprise Architecture Tool) to gain insights into your Enterprise and your IT Landscape.

All the new visualizations are available as SVG.

TIP: If you miss the native MS Visio export, try to download the SVG version and open the SVG in MS Visio to edit further!


A Matrix Diagram (aka Landscape Diagram) visualizes the relationships between three types. It provides a compact way of representing many-to-many relationships and puts the content element type in context to the two axis elements.

Sample result showing Applications mapped to Capabilities and Organizational Units:


First pick the element (Table) you want to see in the middle (e.g. Applications) and which links/relationships you want to see on top (X-axis) and on the left (y-axis)

Then select the Axis elements based on relationships to the content element.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do this, please see the UserGuide section.


Sample result showing Applications with their Sub-Applications mapped to Capabilities:

A Nesting Diagram allows you to visualize the relationship between your Elements by displaying them as boxes and nesting them into each other according to the selected relationship.


First pick the element you want to see in the outer boxes, then which relationships and which inner element you want to see. You can have multiple nestings and also add sub-clustering within an element to show child elements.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do this, please see UserGuide section.


Sample result showing Applications with their Interfaces transporting BusinessObjects:

A Graph Diagram (aka Network, Information Flow) shows how elements are interconnected through the use of nodes / vertices and links / lines to represent their connections. This visualization helps illuminate the relationships between a group of entities, plus the grad of interconnections.


First pick which elements you want to show as starting point in the graph

Next add connected elements to see all the interrelations.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do these, please see UserGuide section.

Extra Options:

You can collapse one node to show dependencies between elements that do not have a direct relationship.

You can customize the nodes and the edges with various options.


Sample result showing Projects with their Duration (Start/End):

A Gantt chart (aka Masterplan, Projectplan, Activity Plan, Release Plan) is a type of bar chart, developed by Henry Gantt in the 1910s. . It illustrates a schedule or duration over time. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project or application releases. It allows us to compare durations and which elements run in parallel. Color coding can be used to highlight another dimension.


First pick which element's duration you want to show as the starting point in the graph.

Next pick the attribute for the duration (having start and end dates)

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do these, please see UserGuide section.

Gantt Graph 2

Sample result showing Projects with their Duration (Start/End):

A Gantt chart (aka Masterplan, Projectplan, Activity Plan, Release Plan) is a type of bar chart, developed by Henry Gantt in the 1910s. It illustrates a schedule or duration over time. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project or application releases. It allows comparison of durations and which elements run in parallel. Color coding can be used to highlight another dimension


First pick which elements duration you want to show as the starting point in the graph.

Next pick the attribute for the duration (having start and end dates)

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as PNG.


Sample result showing Applications with their Strategic value and Value add, color coded by Complexity:

A scatter plot or portfolio graph is a type of mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis.


First pick which elements you want to show in the plot as data points

Next choose the X-Axis values

Next choose the Y-Axis values

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do these, please see UserGuide section.

Extra Options:

Define various appearances via Extra, like Axis length, Opacity, Text fonts, …

Bubble Chart

A bubble chart is a type of mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data. The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis. Visualize a data set with or more dimensions.


First pick which elements you want to show in the plot as data points.

Next choose the X-Axis values.

Next choose the Y-Axis values.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG, PDF & PNG. For more on how to do this, please see UserGuide section .

Extra options:

Bar Chart

Sample result showing the distribution of Applications’ Complexity:

A bar chart or bar graph shows discrete, numerical comparisons across categories. One axis of the chart shows the specific categories being compared and the other axis represents a discrete value scale. With its categorical data, bar charts answer the question of "how many?" in each category.


First pick the element you want to see getting counted, then select the category or grouping you want to have counted. Lastly you can select if the elements are counted or another property like costs will be used to count and represent the length of the bar.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do these, please see UserGuide section.

Pie Chart

Sample result showing the percentage of Applications' Strategic Drivers by their respective Strategic Value:

A pie chart is a circular visualization which is splitted into slices to show numerical proportion. The slices' arc is proportional to the quantity it represents.


First pick the type, whose elements form the basic population. Then select the category or grouping you want to have applied to the elements. If you want to aggregate the elements by a numeric measurement instead of plain frequency, you can also specify a property subsequently.

Apply filter

You can filter, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG

Circular Dendrogram

Sample result showing Applications Accountability and their Applications:

Circular Dendrograms are tree-like diagrams used to represent the distribution of a hierarchical clustering. It allows different depth levels and as the leafs are distributed by percentages, it visualizes distribution of clusters.


First pick the element you want to see in the first branches, then which relationships or attribute should be used to span that.

Next select the next axis/branch.

You can have multiple branches and also add attributes as well as relationships.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do these, please see UserGuide section.

Tree Map

Sample result showing Applications with related Projects and their Sub-Projects:

A Tree Map allows you to visualize the relationship between your Elements by displaying them as boxes and nesting them into each other according to the selected relationship. The size of the box is defined by the number of leaf elements or a numerical property applied on respective elements aggregated to the top.


First pick the element you want to see in the outer boxes, then which relationships and which inner element you want to see. You can have multiple nestings and also add sub-clustering within an element to show child elements. If you would like to define a numerical property for aggregating the leaf elements, you define a measurement.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do these, please consult the UserGuide.


Sample result showing a Capability with Applications and Technology:

A Correlation Diagram allows you to visualize the relationship between your Elements by displaying them as boxes per type and showing the related group of elements in a new row.

You can stack multiple types/relationships building allowing you to see all parts of a domain.


First pick the element you want to see in the top layer, then which relationships and which next layer element you want to see. You can have multiple layers and define if you want to see the correlations and if you want to automatically filter to only related elements based on the top layer.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do these, please see UserGuide section.


Sample result showing a hierarchy of Business Processes:

A Hierarchy Diagram (aka Org chart or Tree) visually represents hierarchy in a tree-like structure. The structure consists of elements such as a root node, a member that has no superior/parent. Then there are the nodes, which are linked together with line connections called branches that represent the relationships and connections between the members. The leaves (or end-nodes) have child nodes. The parents are placed in the center of the child nodes.


First pick the element you want to visualize.

If you have a one-to-many self relationship defined in the metamodel, this relationship will be automatically selected for the type you select.

Under Extra -> Reference you can change the relationship that is used for the branches.

Apply filter and styling

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG. For more on how to do these, please see the UserGuide section.

Org Chart

An Org chart (aka Hierarchy  or Tree) visually represents hierarchy in a tree-like structure. The structure consists of elements such as a root node, a member that has no superior/parent. Then there are the nodes, which are linked together with line connections called branches that represent the relationships and connections between the members. The leaves (or end-nodes) have child nodes. The parents are placed in the center of the child nodes.


First pick the element you want to visualize. If you have a one-to-many self relationship defined in the metamodel, this relationship will automatically be selected for the type you select. Under Extra -> Reference you can change the relationship that is used for the branches.

Apply filter and styling:

You can filter, color code, change labels, save the configuration or download the diagram as SVG and PDF.

Apply filter and styling

In each of the visualizations you can filter, color code, change labels plus some extra configurations. This section describes the general configuration of all these aspects.

General configuration

Every visualization comes with a config panel on the left and a visualizations specific guide (Which is replaced by the actual visualization, once certain parameters are set).


On the top of the config panel, the name of the current visualization is displayed, e.g. "Nesting". Beneath a type panel is shown. Depending on the visualization, this panel indicates the starting type (Nesting, Correlation or Dendrogram) or the content type within two axes (ScatterPlot, Landscape). The type, such as Application in the example, can be chosen via a Drop Down.


After having specified this in the first step, other panels will appear. Here either a relationship and subsequent type panels or specific properties can be specified via a Drop Down. Furthermore, more detailed adjustments can be made, by expanding to the detailed view, which is available once the type is set.



Most type panels offer element filtering on the corresponding level. This is indicated by the quick button "Filter". A click opens the filtering menu (see Filtering). By opening the extended menu and going to Layout & Filter. The filter layer can be modified (pencil) or made invisible/visible(eye).


Layouting & Styling

Within a type panel, usually styling is offered. This is indicated by the "brush" button. A click on it opens the styling menu. On the top, the styling layer can be given a name. A click on OK applies the styling.  By opening the extended menu and going to Layout & Filter, the already created styling layers can be deleted, made visible/invisible or can be modified.


All visualizations will use the default enumeration colors and orders you defined, see Customize Enumerations.


Elements of a type are labeled according to its identifying feature's name. Usually this is an element's name as String. If you wish to change the display name by choosing another property, a combination of properties or likewise, open the extended menu and switch to the tab Labeling. A click on the "Set Property"-Button within Advanced Labeling will open a window with the ability to choose one or many properties as display names.

Within the Labeling tab, sometimes other options are offered, e.g. concerning the labeling of the axes if existent.


Within the extended menu, usually there is an "Extra" tab. Here the type can be advanced. This means that instead of showing elements according to identity, elements can be shown according to (a combination of) properties. For instance, you want to see all the Application Domains according to Accountability, then choose first the Accountability as an advanced type. Subsequently, choose instances as reference and Application Domains as type in the following panels.

If the type is being advanced, this will also be indicated by the changing type button left to the Drop Down. The Extras tab might also contain other visualization specific parameters, such as sub clustering of elements and other parameters.

Advance Relationship

Within some visualizations, a relationship can be expanded, which is indicated by the "Flask" button, in order to hop over certain relationships. For instance within Nesting, if you want so see all Applications by Application Domain Accountability without the Application Domain itself (see example above), click the Flask-Button, choose instances and then Applications.

The relationship change can be made undone by clicking the Reset 

Save Configuration, download and reset

All visualizations have the following options available at the center of the breadcrumbs navigation:



- Toggle list mode helps to show which visualizations are saved.

- Generate visualization on change of configuration automatically, set to on (blue icon). Default behavior is to automatically generate on changes, please change this if you experience delays due to many elements and long load times.

 - Generate visualization if not automatically set to do (only active if you change the setting above)

 - Save the configuration of the visualization, share with others or just keep to yourself.

 - Download the diagram as SVG. For MS Visio, please download the SVG and open the SVG file with MS Visio. If you have specific MS Visio support issues or questions, please contact us.

- Reset the configuration to start from scratch.

All saved visualizations are available via a separate menu entry:

Which gives you an overview of all saved visualizations:

Your own visualizations you can share with others by clicking the share icon:

Or you unshare it via

The bookmark link() provides you with a link that you can save or share:

smartEA Visualizations (Deprecated)

For customers transitioning from the previous smartEA offering, the smartEA visualizations are still available for you to manage via the smartEA link:

You can reload the latest data from smart360 into these visualizations and then customize one of the following:


Landscape Diagram

Visualize connections between business and IT
andscape Diagram

Graph/Info-Flow Diagrams

Show how your IT landscape is connected
nformation Flow

Nesting-Cluster Diagram

Powerful way to analyze your EA data
esting Cluster

Tabular-Cluster Diagram

Dive into project details
abular Cluster

Timeline Diagram

Dependencies between projects and systems

Portfolio Diagram

Make informed decisions

Bar or Pie Chart

Highlight facts and gain insights

Please be aware that these visualizations are limited to the MetaModel defined in conformance to the old smartEA MetaModel and that they cannot leverage new elements or relationships that you define in smart360. Additionally these visualizations will go away in subsequent releases.

Spreadsheet Reports

Spreadsheet reports can be either viewed directly in the browser (HTML), or exported in MS Excel format and are the same as the data list views that we discussed earlier.

Please be aware that only the expanded Excel export can be reused for importing.

Custom Dashboards

The creation of custom dashboards can be facilitated by engaging smart360 experts – please contact us if you want to use this option.

Import and Export (Excel)

Excel Export

You can either export just an empty template that has all the sheets and columns defined in your metamodel (of that repository). This is a great start for starting uploading data into the system.

Another option is to download the full data that is in the selected repository. This allows you to do more analysis in Excel or other data systems, as well as providing a foundation for bulk changes and bulk loads of additional data.

Additional Excel exports are available from the ListView.

If you want to download only selected elements/tables or Saved reports for metamodel and data then you can click on the select element or select reports dropdown and select the  elements or reports you want to export.

Note:- You can either export elements/tables or save reports at a time.

Element Export

When you click on select elements dropdown it will display a list of  the elements/tables that you have in your repository. After selecting the tables click on Download as Excel button and then it will download the excel which contains selected tables and their relationship sheets.

Saved Report Export

When you click on select reports drop down it will display a list of reports which you have saved. After selecting the elements click on Download as Excel button and then it will download the excel which contains selected saved reports.

Excel Import

To import data into smart360 we recommend to start with one of three options:

  1. Export the Metamodel
  2. Export the full data
  3. Export partial data

The first sheet of the Excel allows you to define two different methods - partial or full import.

Partial true - Additive import strategy:

This will allow you to add elements and to not worry about deletes if you miss some elements that others have added in the repositories but are not present in the Excel file that you upload.

Partial false - Overwrite import strategy:

This will allow you to specify that you define the masterlist of the data and the import will delete elements if they are not present in the Excel. Use this setting if you import a list from other systems.

Import Workflow

  1. Select an excel file to import and hit Upload

  1. Review any warnings or errors and what the result would do

If an element type does not have identifying features but relies only on the relationships, an import of that data is not possible and a warning is shown. Please use the UI to edit and change the data for these types.

  1. Hit Cancel to correct the Excel and not import any data
  2. Hit Save to apply the changes to your repository

Merge Repo

To see how two repositories can be merged and synced please refer to the Repository Merge documentation available in the history page.


The Rest API provides JSON based import and export functionality and covers the full repository.

You can work with smart360’s API via:

  1. Lists of elements/table - e.g.
  2. Single Elements - e.g.
  3. List of Repositories - e.g.
  4. Repository - e.g.
  5. Reports (Viewpoints) - e.g.
  6. Errors e.g.

List of elements by type (table)



GET: Retrieves the list of all objects of the type TYPE_NAME, in JSON format. The delivered result is a JSON array, each object of which follows the same convention as in the Object Expression Resource, in particular:

Note: Keep in mind that display names are configurable in smart360, so renaming a field in the system could potentially break an integration. 


PUT/POST: Creates a new object of this type. The payload is a JSON object following the conventions of the Object Expression Resource. Only fields of interest and fields that are mandatory in smart360 have to be provided.


Note: The following fields cannot be set:

Notes on validation (regarding PUT and POST endpoints for both Object Expression Resource and Structured Type Resource):

Furthermore, the following aspects are validated:

  1. Field-wise value validation: The value of each field is checked. The provided value (or the current value if the field is not updated) has to be of the correct type, e .g. the contents of a date field must be a valid date and the contents of a numeric field must be a valid number.
  2. Field-wise multiplicity validation: All fields must have a permitted set of values, i.e. mandatory fields must have a value, single-valued fields must have at most one value.
  3. Identity uniqueness validation: The combination of the values of all fields that constitute the identity of the object must be unique in the scope of the repository.


Note: While technically feasible, it is not recommended to update fields that are part of the object identity over API calls.

Single elements by ID



GET: Retrieves a single object by type and ID, format is JSON, with the same structure as before. Changes to the JSON format compared to previous version:

Note: Keep in mind that display names are configurable in smart360, so renaming a field in the system could potentially break an integration. 



 "Application Domains":["92","88"],
 "Strategic drivers":"excellence",
 "Development (End)":"2009-12-31",
 "Used By":[],
 "Business Mappings":["525","577","566","563","458","572"],
 "Development (Start)":"2009-10-01",
 "Live (End)":"2023-05-01",
 "Sub Applications":["199"],
 "Superordinate Application":null,
 "System size":"big",
 "Strategic value":"7.00",
 "Maintenance activity":"150.00",
 "Technical Components":["317","329","330","322"],
 "Value added":"3.00",
 "Name":"BI # 1.0",
 "createDate":"2017-05-11 05:42:43",
 "Live (Start)":"2010-01-01",
 "Replacement (Start)":"2023-05-02",
 "State of health":"good",
 "Operating expenses":"110.00",
 "Replacement (End)":"2023-11-29",
 "lastModificationTime":"2017-11-20 00:16:00",
 "Infrastructure Elements":["345","346"],
 "Description":"Business Intelligence aims to support better business decision-making",

DELETE: Deletes a single object by type and ID. No payload needs to be added.


PUT/POST: Updates a single object by type and ID. Payload has to be JSON, in the same format as delivered by the GET. Only fields that need to be updated can be added, i.e. there are no fields that must be provided.


Note: The following fields cannot be updated:

List of Repositories

URI: SERVER_URL/api/v1.0/system/repositories


New system-level interface exposing the list of repositories as JSON. Can be used to find the ID of a repository over the GET endpoint. The resource is currently accessible to all authenticated users but might require administrative privileges in the future.

List of Repositories

URI: SERVER_URL/api/v1.0/system/repositories


New system-level interface exposing the list of repositories as JSON. Can be used to find the ID of a repository over the GET endpoint. The resource is currently accessible to all authenticated users but might require administrative privileges in the future.

Reports/Viewpoints Resource



GET: Retrieves all the viewpoints for the saved reports by type and ID, format is JSON, with the same structure as before. Changes to the JSON format compared to the previous version.

Note: Keep in mind that display of the visualization or graph through the Api is not possible for now. 



  "Name":"New Report",




  "UI URL":"",

  "API URL":""


  "Name":"Latest Addition",





  "UI URL":"",

  "API URL":""






  "UI URL":"",

  "API URL":""


  "Name":"Information Flow With Business Objects",


  "Description":"Graph Diagram",

  "Type":"graph diagram",

  "ID":"7a678083-59d3-4f07-acf3-13ad11ca7d71","UI URL":""


Update Calculation

URI: SERVER_URL/api/v1.0/system/update-metadata-repo


This rest endpoint is useful to manually update the calculation fields on the overview page. It is used to automate the calculation periodically in smart360 applications. The cron job applies on that endpoint. so it automatically runs on every three hours.

Errors Resource

URI: SERVER_URL/api/v1.0/system/errors


New system-level interface exposing the list of all registered internal errors since the last service start-up. The GET endpoint delivers a list of the error descriptions in JSON format. Each description provides a URI under which the error details can be obtained. The resource is currently accessible to all authenticated users but might require administrative privileges in the future.

Swagger-UI Integration with Smart360

  1. Smart360 API documentation is now available via Swagger UI.
  2. Just by clicking on the tab and filling the required fields, all the data will be shown in the JSON format.
  3. Please select a spec on the upper right corner there are two spec one is for all the common APIs and another is  for data APIs
  4. Then select schema by default https is selected then next add authorization to use Swagger UI

  1. In the above figure, EAM data repository APIs are under the EAM elements panel.
  2. Users can select any repository and its element then click on try it out button then next click on execute button swagger UI can send the response as JSON data.

  1. Users can download the response of body JSON data. Swagger UI generates the curl command with an authorized header.


User Management

Accessing the user management, an existing role can be selected or new roles can be defined. Then various permissions can be assigned to the current selected role.

Modeling Language Permissions

A role can be granted specific access to each existing building block. This can be controlled within the Modeling Language Permissions User Interface.

Global Permission settings

Toggle Read Only All/Forbid All

Clicking the button, will switch between assigning global read only access or no access at all to any building block for the corresponding role.

Toggle Permit All/Forbid All

Toggles between role specific global edit permission and no access.

Save All

Saves all the changes made to any building block.

Reset All

Resets all changes made to any building block previously persisted

Building Block Specific Permissions

Permit Type

Grants complete access to the corresponding building block.

Forbid Type

Makes the building block invisible for the user and permits no access.

 Read Only   

 Makes the building block read only.

Save Building Block Changes

Saves all changes made to the permissions of this building block

Reset Building Block Changes

Resets all changes made to the permissions of this building block to the previously persisted version.

Grant Building Block Create Permission

Grants the permission to create or clone elements of this building block.

Grant Building Block Delete Permission

Grants the permission to create or clone elements of this building block.

Edit Feature Group Permissions

Grants the permissions to edit elements of the specific feature group

Grant Read Permission

Grants the permission to read the respective feature group or building block

Repository Permissions

Assign functional permissions, e.g. who can run or save reports:

Explicit permissions for an attribute group can be assigned. This allows for some attributes on an element to be only visible or changeable by a certain role. E.g. you may want to make your costs of applications only available to a subset of your organization.


Page Parameters with URL

 Parameters on overview page:



  1. Enter text like (repository id, repository name and repository description) in the search box it will search in all repositories and it will be added as a query parameter in URL.
  2. Also, share the URL and the result will be the same.  
  3. Filter other repository information like license, last modification, number of contributors, repository owner, Ordering of repositories based on last modification, number of contributors, license.
  4. Clear the search box and the results will show all the repositories again.

Language option Parameters:


  1. Choose any language and it will be added to the URL.
  2. The language will be reflected on every page of the smart360 application.
  3. It will be the same if open in other browsers.

        Full-text search parameters:


  1. Use any search box for finding particular text and the result will be according to that.

Permission parameters on permission page:


  1. Select any role in manage permissions page that permission applied on the given  repository
  2. The role will appear in the address bar as a query parameter.

Single element viewpoint page parameters:


  1. Select any tab in the single element viewpoint page, and it will be added in the URL.

Manage metamodel single element:


  1. In manage metamodel element page If the user selects any element and its feature then they will also appear in the address bar as query parameters.

Filter parameters on element view


  1. In the tabular viewpoint page If anyone can apply a filter on an element that filter value appears in the address bar (In the above figure filter applied on Accountability column with joe value ). Then user can copy that URL and paste on any other tab or browser same result will displayed
  2. Currently, we support only simple filter parameterization. A simple filter can contain only one kind of operator (AND/OR) multiple times.
  3. If it’s a complex filter then no filter parameters will be added in the URL.

Manage Data Structure of a repository

You can create, customize and delete elements (Element Types), create, update and delete any relationship (Tab Relationship) plus define Enumeration values and Attributes for all Element Types - all through the web UI:

Drag and drop: In MetaModel element users can drag and drop the elements and that will also affect the intro page as per user requirement.

Elements - Structured Types

Structured Types are the core types/elements that you have in your metamodel and that define the tiles that you see on the startpage of a repository. You can customize many aspects:

  1. Configure Identity
  1. Hit the edit pencil next of identity
  2. Define what makes an element unique in the modal that opens:

  1. Edit Icon and Feature Ordering - click the sliders icon
  1. Choose an icon from FontAwesome - this is used throughout smart360 as a visual clue what element you are working with
  2. Define default visible columns for tabular view - so wherever you have a list of that type (e.g. as part of relationships), it uses these columns to give you a perspective of the elements.
  3. Define priority order for selected features in single element view
  4. Define the column for showing the percentage of data in single element view

  1. Edit Display Name & Description
  1. By clicking the pencil icon in the bar of the element type:
  1. Create/Remove Feature Groups
  1. Add a Feature Group by clicking the plus sign
  2. Change the order of groups by clicking the up and down arrow
  3. To change the order of Attributes and Relationships within a group, click the up and down arrow in the feature group’s name bar:

    Which allows to sort/prioritize the features:
  1. Create Properties
  1. Within a Feature Group, click the Add button to create a new property/attribute:
  2. See more on attributes below
  1. Change Properties


We are happy to help with your customization and best-practices.

Creating attributes within attribute groups

Create new attribute – select one of the 12 types of available attributes:

  1. Enumeration
  2. Boolean
  3. Color
  4. Date
  5. Datetime
  6. Integer (Int)
  7. Interval
  8. Number (Numeric)
  9. Richtext (Textarea with HTML styling)
  10. Simpletext (Textarea without formatting)
  11. String (Textfield)
  12. URL

Set the required details for the new attribute and assign it to an element type:

Change an attribute/property under actions:

Customize Relationships

In the relationship tab, you can create new relationships between your existing element types as well as augment some of the relationship definitions:

Relationships are shown in tabular list format. and every relationship have seperate  page for customization

Create Relationship: If user want to create new relationship then first click on “create Relationship” button

After clicking on the button the pop up modal opens up.  In that when you select structure type element feature, then Smart360 automatically selects the first group value.

Internal relationship pages will look like below:

  1. Move Reference: You can adjust where the reference is shown/editable, by moving it to the right Feature Group of the element. Feature Groups define where relationships are shown and who can potentially see or edit them. If the Move Reference is inactive, there are no other Feature groups defined for the element, so it cannot be moved.
  2. Edit Display Name: Define how you want to call each side from the other, and if you want to add a Description that gives users more details about the meaning of the relationship (E.g. Projects impacted by an application vs. projects that augment an application)
  3. Mandatory: If you need to have at least one (e.g. Every Application needs to have an owning Business Unit)
  4. Multi-Value: If you can have multiple references or just one (e.g. just one parent)
  5. Expand: Expand a relationship and make it its own type, that you can put attributes on, define its own icon, …
  6. Clone:If you want duplicate relationship then you can use clone button for duplicate copy
  7. Remove:If you want remove relationship then you can use Remove button for remove relationship

Customize Lookup tables (Enumerations)

On the Lookup Tables (enumeration) page, all existent enumerations can be managed or new ones can be created. Furthermore there is the option to define  specific colors for all Enumeration options, which is used within visualizations as well as in tabular views.

  1. Create lookup table: Click on this button to define a new lookup table/enumeration that you can use for an attribute/column of a table. The name must not coincide with an existing enumeration.

  1. Click on any enumeration name and be able to see, edit, delete them individually on another separate page.

  1. Create Option: Click here to create a new enumeration options/entries.

  1. Remove Option: Click on the “Remove” Button or the close icon in order delete the entry from the enumeration.

  1. Edit Display Name & Description: Click on “Edit Display Name & Description” or the pencil icon to edit the literal name or description.

  1. Literal Fill and Font Color:
    All literals have a default fill and font color assigned on creation, that will show within the single element and tabular view, as well as a predefined choice within visualizations.. In order to change the fill or font color click on the brush, which shows the current color assignments

  1. Drag and Drop:

All the options can be rearranged by drag  and drop. The sorting of options can be changed just by dragging it to a new location.

HTML5 Color Picker

Smart360 now supports HTML5 color picker that offers predefined fill and font color combinations which can be allocated on click. By default the color selected is black as per HTML5 standards. One can also define individual colors in the color fields below by picking or typing in the corresponding color code as a hex number.

 smart360 User Guide - 2016-2022